
We have studied the microstructure of a flow-driven hardsphere suspension inside a cylinder using dynamical density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations. In order to be representative of various physical conditions that may prevail in experiments, we investigate the problem using both the grand canonical (μVT) ensemble and the canonical (NVT) ensemble. In both ensembles, the hydrodynamic effect on the suspension mediated by the presence of the confining wall is implemented in a mean-field fashion by incorporating the thermodynamic work done by the inertial lift force on the particle given the average flow field. The predicted particle distribution in the μVT ensemble displays strong structural ordering at increasing flow rates due to the correspondingly higher particle concentrations inside the cylinder. In the NVT ensemble, for dilute suspensions we observe a peak in the distribution of density at a location similar to that of the Segré-Silberberg annulus, while for dense suspensions the competing effects of the inertial lift and the hardsphere interaction lead to the formation of several annuli.

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