
A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigation of the morphologies and crystal structures of precipitates in supersaturated B2-ordered (Ni,Co)Al has revealed that rod-like precipitates of the (Ni,Co)2Al phase with a hexagonal structure form parallel to the direction of the B2 matrix. By aging at temperatures below 973 K, a long period superlattice structure of hexagonal (Ni,Co)2Al was formed. The (Ni,Co)Al hardens appreciably by the precipitation of these phases. An energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was used to analyze the compositions of each phase formed in the B2-(Ni,Co)Al. The effects of the dispersion of the (Ni,Co)2Al phase on the temperature dependence of the strength of the B2-(Ni,Co)Al have been investigated over a temperature range from 298 K to 1173 K.

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