
Microstructure and Damage Assessment of some Ptolemaic pottery objects at Tell Abu Yasin in Sharkia, Egypt: Case StudyThe research has concluded some great importance results in identifying technological process and damage of pottery objects at tel Abu Yasin in Sharkia. Abu Yasin site is one of the most important archaeological sites in Sharkia governorate and east of it dates back to Ptolemaic time age. Many tests, examinations and analyzes were performed to diagnose damage manifestations of some archaeological pottery pieces. Examination and analysis methods were Polarized Microscope (PLM) , Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive of X-Ray Unit SEM- EDX , X-ray diffraction analysis ( XRD) and thermal analysis ( DTA ),they have played an important role in identification of archaeological pottery technology, surface treatment, manufacture and its deterioration. The research has proved that the clay used in that our archaeological pottery is Nile Clay in tel Abu Yasin site, while tempers (additives materials) are sand quartz , grog pottery powder, limestone powder calcite , and burnt straw, the used shaping technology methods of our pottery objects are potter wheel for all three pottery objects, the surface treatment is slip layer in all pottery objects in our site Tell Abu Yasin site , burning atmosphere inside the kiln was reduced atmosphere for the first pottery pot and oxidized atmosphere to the second and third pottery pieces. All archaeological Pottery objects in our site suffer from factors of Physiochemical damage, our archaeological pottery pots and plate suffered from soil sediments due to burial in the soil, in addition to phenomenon of fracture, scaling, cracking, weakness, fragility, peeling, stains, poor physical structure and crystallization of chlorides, sulfates, carbonates and phosphates salts as a result of burial in saline clay soil in our site. The research recommends that restoration; treatment and maintenance of these archaeological pottery pieces should base on results of tests, examinations, analyzes and damage assessment that has been proved by the researcher. The research has concluded some great importance results in identifying technological process and damage of pottery objects at tel Abu Yasin in Sharkia. It had proved that used clay was Nile clay; additions were sand, burnt straw, grog and limestone powder. Surface treatment was slip layer in samples, burning atmosphere inside the kiln was reduced for the first pot and oxidized to the second and third piece, it also illustrated mechanical and physiochemical damage, whether from manufacture defects or effect of burial environment, it has proved presence of soil sediments, crystallization of salts carbonate, sulfates, chloride, cracking, peeling, stains and poor physical structure. The research recommends that it should be treated and maintained based on the results of the tests and analyzes that have been proven by the researcher.AcknowledgementI extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Qalla, Dean of faculty of Archeology,zagazig university in sharkia for his assistance and encouragement. I also offer my thanks and gratitude to antiquities inspectors in tell basta in Sharkia Government east of delta.

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