
Graphite is one of the candidate materials proposed for application in pyrochemical reprocessing plants involving aggressive molten chloride environment. Post treatments are promising techniques for the improvement of properties of thermal spray coatings for different industrial applications. In the present work, the effect of post treatments like vacuum annealing (VA) and laser melting (LM) on the microstructure and chemical modification of plasma sprayed Al2O3-40wt.% TiO2 coatings over high density (HD) graphite substrates has been investigated. When compared with sprayed coatings (SC), VA coatings showed cluster morphology and LM coatings exhibited homogenous microstructure. On laser melted surfaces networks of cracks were observed. XRD studies showed that the metastable γ-Al2O3 phase present in the SC is transformed to stable α-Al2O3 after post treatments. In LM coatings Al2TiO5 phase was more predominant in contrast to SC and VA coatings. The microhardness enhancement was observed in case of LM coating compared to the VA and SC. Due to elimination of coating defects in LM samples, there is a considerable reduction in the surface roughness.

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