
This paper intends to elucidate the anther wall development, pollen wall development and exine substructure of Uraria crinita (L.) Desv. ex DC. (Fabaceae). The undifferentiated anther is ovoid-shaped and tetrasporangiated. The anther wall development is basic type, which is comprised of an epidermis, an endothecium layer, two middle layers and a tapetum. Anther-tapetum is glandular type and the cells are uniseriate and uninucleate. Pollen grains are tricolporate and 2-celled at the time of shedding. Before protectum development begins, a glycocalyx layer is inserted against the callose, and the plasma membrane is invaginated, exclusive of the future apertures. Subsequently, the probacula are elongate under the protectum and arise basally from the plasma membrane. The foot layer and endexine formation are concomitant with the callosic wall dissolution. The foot layer is thin and interrupted, but the endexine is thick and continuous. The intine is initially in the vacuoled stage. The substructure in the tectum, bacula and endexine is the same as a rod-shaped in side view. It composed of the loop like striate elements.

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