
A consistent and unified microscopic theory of superfluidity and superconductivity is developed on the basis of two-stage Fermi-Bose-liquid (FBL) (in particular case, one-stage Bose-liquid) scenarios. It is shown that these phase transition scenarios is accompanied, as a rule, by the formation of composite bosons (Cooper pair and bipolarons) with their subsequent single particle (SPC) and pair condensation (PC). A brief outline of the modified and generalized BCS-like pairing theory of fermions is presented. In an analogy to that, a detailed boson pairing theory is developed. The SPC and PC features of an attracting 3d- and 2d-BG as a function of the interboson coupling constant in the complete range 0≤T≤T B is studied in detail. It is argued that the coexistence of the order parameters of attracting fermions ΔF and bosons ΔB leads to the superfluidity (in3He) and superconductivity (in superconductors) by two FBL scenarios. One of these scenarios is realized in the so-called fermion superconductors (FSC) and the other in the boson superconductors (BSC) in which the gapless superconductivity is caused by the absence of the gap ΔSF in the excitation spectrum of bosons and not by the presence of point or line nodes of the BCS-like gap ΔF. The new adequate definitions for basic superconducting parameters of FSC and BSC are given. The theory proposed is consistent with the experimental data available.

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