
The change of structures upon twisting oriented nylon filaments has been investigated with light and scanning electron microscopy. When the twisted filaments are untwisted above 100°C, oblique kink bands are produced on the surface of the filaments. They incline about 20 degrees to the fibril at advanced sides towards the direction of untwisting. When the twist strain (number of turns of twist/cm) becomes very large, fine bands are produced first perpendicularly to the filament axis in the surface layer, and then oblique kink bands appear as the untwisting proceeds. When the filament is twisted and untwisted towards Z direction after repeatedly twisting in S direction, step-like fine structures with strong S kink bands and fine Z kink bands are observed in its surface layer. As the temperature of twisting and untwisting decreases, the kink bands disappear and are replaced by the transverse lines in the surface layer. When the filament is twisted and untwisted at room temperature no structural change can be observed in the surface.

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