
The of the Turin Shroud body image is a characteristic frequently described in scientific papers but too often in vague terms. Originating from a discussion among the members of the Shroud Science Group † , this paper was compiled thoroughly describing the unique characteristics of the body image superficial- ity. This concept of superficiality is here described at the fabric, thread and fiber levels. At the fabric level, we show the importance of the geometry of the fabric. At the thread level, the very specific distribution of the color is emphasized. Finally, at the fiber level, we confirm that the color is a chemically altered layer about 200 nm thick found at the surface of the colored fibers (the inner part re- mains uncolored). We suggest that the chemical alteration that pro- duced the discoloration is related to the primary cell wall of the linen fiber. The description of image superficiality here reported will be useful for the formulation of future hypotheses about the body image formation process. © 2010 Society for Imaging Science and Technology. DOI: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2010.54.4.040201

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