
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in targeted gene silencing by facilitating posttranscriptional and translational repression. However, the precise mechanism of mammalian miRNA-mediated gene silencing remains to be elucidated. Here, we used a stem-loop array reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assay to analyse miRNA-induced mRNA recognition, cleavage, posttranscriptional modification, and degradation. We detected endogenous let-7 miRNA-induced and Argonaute-catalysed endonucleolytic cleavage on target mRNAs at various sites within partially paired miRNA:mRNA sequences. Most of the cleaved mRNA 5′-fragments were 3′-oligouridylated by activities of terminal uridylyl transferases (TUTases) in miRNA-induced silencing complexes and temporarily accumulated in the cytosol for 5′-3′ degradation or other molecular fates. Some 3′-5′ decayed mRNA fragments could also be captured by the miRNA-induced silencing complex stationed at the specific miRNA:mRNA target site and oligouridylated by other TUTases at its proximity without involving Argonaute-mediated RNA cleavage. Our findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanics of mammalian miRNA-mediated gene silencing by coordinated target mRNA recognition, cleavage, uridylation and degradation.


  • MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that have been shown to posttranscriptionally regulate gene expression and protein synthesis, in mammalian cells, by partially base-pairing to complementary sequences in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′UTRs) of their target mRNAs1–3

  • A cleaved 5′-mRNA fragment with its 3′terminal sequence complementarily matched with the probe sequence of an SLA-RT primer was and most efficiently reverse-transcribed, and its relative abundance was subsequently determined by both end-point PCR and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR)

  • The accumulation of a cleaved 5′-mRNA fragment at a specific cleavage site within and near the predicted let-7:TUSC2 target pairing sequences was represented by the relative intensity of each specific SLA–RT-PCR amplicon resolved on an agarose gel (Fig. 1a-I, upper panel) and by the relative fragment abundance (RFA) on a qRT-PCR histogram (Fig. 1a-I, lower panel)

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Multiple models have been proposed for the molecular mechanics of miRNA-mediated posttranscriptional repression of target gene expression either by inhibition of mRNA translation, with no apparent impact on mRNA stability, or by initiation of mRNA decay[1,2,7,8,30,31]. Based on the unique and dominant locations of the cleaved fragments accumulated in the seed region and the 3′supplementary pairing region, it is possible that the miRISC stationed on miRNA:mRNA target sites could provide a barricade to the exonuclease-mediated 3′-5′RNA decay machinery and facilitate the recruitment of specific TUTases or uridyl polymerases to the miRISC for adding oligouridines to 3′-termini of the cleaved 5′mRNA fragments. This miRISC-imposed blockage to RNA 3′-5′decay may imply a cooperative role of noncatalytic miRISCs in the gene silencing pathway. Further studies are needed to understand the precise mechanism of miRNA action in association with specific co-factors in miRISC on posttranscriptional regulation of target gene expression in a complex mammalian cellular system

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