
Micro-Raman spectroscopy measurements were made on polycrystalline and amorphous thin films of CuInTe2 as well as bulk polycrystalline CuInTe2. Various vibrational modes exhibited by the bulk and polycrystalline thin films were attributed to those expected for single crystal CuInTe2. Raman spectra of amorphous films presented a broad spectrum, decomposition of which revealed the presence of elemental tellurium on the film surface. Laser-induced changes on CuInTe2 thin films were studied by acquiring spectra with higher laser beam power. Modes due to tellurium appeared when the spectra were acquired during laser–sample interaction, indicating tellurium segregation. The Raman spectra measured from polycrystalline films during high laser power irradiation did not show decrease in the intensity of the A1 mode of CuInTe2 in spite of loss of tellurium from the lattice. This has been interpreted as related to an increased contribution from the undistorted subsurface CuInTe2 region at higher excitation power.

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