
The article deals with the investigation of role played by ;lyrical cycles as an independent genre in poetess` works and the analysis of separate components of micropoetics (for example: the rhythm, the phonics, the poetic meter), that facilitate the most complete and accurate embodiment of author`s intentions in the text. The question about independence of lyrical cycles was the object of numerous investigations and arguments. Representatives of the first theory regard lyrical cycle as an inseparable text, where each poem is its part, a stanza. Another group of scientists proclaim that the unity of the lyrical cycle depends on the structural autonomy of its components. So the lyrical cycle is characterized by the high level of derivableness of its components. The most appropriate definition of lyrical cycle from our point of view is represented in the third theory, whose author considers lyrical cycles as the unity of numerous independent poems that realize split-level textual connections. Which produce new semantic complexes indistinctive to semantic structure of each separate poem. This particular theory is an object of our investigation. Using method of comparison authors of this article succeeded to distinguish two types of poetic lyrical cycles in Kataeva` s works. One of them unites poems basing on the inner author`s emotion. Another – reflects main theme of all poems of the cycle. As a consequence, each cycle has its peculiar micropoetics` components. That feature leads us to further investigation of the impact that micropoetics has on the motive, the theme and the structure of the poems.

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