
Shoe sole fragments are generated by sole abrasion, which is unavoidable. These fragments can enter the soil ecosystem. However, limited studies have evaluated their effects on soils and plants. Here, we aimed to evaluate the toxicity of shoe sole fragments on a crop plant, Vigna radiata (mung bean). Shoe sole fragments (size: 57–229 µm) were obtained from four shoe types (trekking shoes, slippers, sneakers, and running shoes) and plant toxicity assessments were performed. Additionally, the fragments were leached for 30 d, and potentially toxic leachates were identified. Shoe sole fragments exhibited adverse effects depending on the shoe type. The fragments of soles from sneakers increased the bulk density of the soil but reduced its water holding capacity. Moreover, the microplastic fragments and leachates directly affected plant growth and photosynthetic activities. The fragments of slippers and running shoes boosted plant growth but changed the flavonoid content and photosynthetic factors. Trekking shoe sole fragments did not exhibit plant photoinhibition; however, their leachate inhibited photosynthesis. Overall, it was concluded that shoe sole fragments can cause adverse effects in plants and impair soil environment. Our study findings indicate that it is necessary to develop shoe soles that have less harmful environmental effects.

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