
The purpose of this study was to determine the shape, amount, and weight of microplastics in each sampel of Tuna fish (Euthynnus sp.), Bloated fish (Rastrelliger sp.), And Layur fish (Trichiurus sp.) which have obtained, and to know the comparison of microplastics between fish. The analysis method is random sampling with a 2x sampling period, and continued with laboratory analysis. The fish organs which analyzed were focused on the digestive system by the addition of 10% KOH by 1: 3 sample weight. The filtering results are then observed in a stereo microscope to determine the shape and amount of microplastics and weighing in an analytical balance. The results of the analysis found microplastics in the form of fiber, fragments, and films, with the dominance of the total number of microplastic findings in a row is in tuna, mackerel, and layur fish. Anova analysis was conducted which found that there was no difference of microplastic between fish.

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