
Abstract The recent advances in attenuation correction methodology are based on the use of a constraint represented by the total amount of the attenuation encountered along the path shared over each range bin in the path. This technique is improved by using the inner self-consistency of radar measurements. The full self-consistency methodology provides an optimization procedure for obtaining the best estimate of specific and cumulative attenuation and specific and cumulative differential attenuation. The main goal of the study is to examine drop size distribution (DSD) retrieval from X-band radar measurements after attenuation correction. A new technique for estimating the slope of a linear axis ratio model from polarimetric radar measurements at attenuated frequencies is envisioned. A new set of improved algorithms immune to variability in the raindrop shape–size relation are presented for the estimation of the governing parameters characterizing a gamma raindrop size distribution. Simulations based on the use of profiles of gamma drop size distribution parameters obtained from S-band observations are used for quantitative analysis. Radar data collected by the NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) X-band polarimetric radar are used to provide examples of the DSD parameter retrievals using attenuation-corrected radar measurements. Retrievals agree fairly well with disdrometer data. The radar data are also used to observe the prevailing shape of raindrops directly from the radar measurements. A significant result is that oblateness of drops is bounded between the two shape models of Pruppacher and Beard, and Beard and Chuang, the former representing the upper boundary and the latter the lower boundary.

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