
En este trabajo se presentan los habitos de higiene y el conocimiento que tiene un conjunto de 69 alumnos de Educacion Infantil (4-6 anos) sobre microorganismos y se analiza la posible influencia sobre ellos de dos propuestas didacticas diferentes (tradicional –grupo control- y con indagacion –grupo experimental-). La informacion se obtuvo en tres momentos diferentes -pre-intervencion didactica, post intervencion y dos meses despues-, mediante dibujos de los ninos, un cuestionario aplicado oral e individualmente con preguntas cerradas y abiertas y un cuestionario dirigido a las familias. Se detectan indicios de que el alumnado reconoce a los microorganismos como seres vivos. Tras la intervencion no se encuentran diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y el control. Dos meses despues se observa una mejora en el grupo control respecto a algunos habitos de higiene y en el grupo experimental se recuerda el proceso de indagacion con placas de Petri. Estos resultados abren nuevos interrogantes. Palabras clave: Educacion Infantil; Educacion Cientifica; Indagacion; Microorganismo; Habitos de higiene. Microorganisms and hygiene habits: Is there more to be learned in Infant Education by means of worksheets? Abstract: The hygiene habits and the knowledge that a group of 69 students of Early Childhood Education (4-6 years old) have about microorganisms is presented in this work. The possible influence on them of two different didactic proposals (traditional -control group- and inquiry-based learning -experimental group-) is analysed. The information was obtained at three different moments -pre didactic intervention, post intervention and two months later-. The used tolls were children's drawings, an oral and individually applied questionnaire with closed and open questions and a questionnaire addressed to the families. Indications are detected that the students recognize the microorganisms as living beings. After the intervention, no statistically significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups. Two months later an improvement was observed in the control group with respect to some hygiene habits and in the experimental group the process of investigation with petri dishes was recalled. These results open new research questions. Keywords: Early Childhood Education; Science Education; IBSE; Micro-organism; Hygiene

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