
Consumption of nutritional food could help alleviate malnutrition among people in developing countries such as the Philippines. Sweet basil is a nutritional food which supplies vitamins, particularly A, B and minerals such as Fe, Mn, and 6, Mg. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn biofortification on the growth, yield, and chlorophyll contents of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under pot experiment. All of the pots, except T (control), 0 were applied with the recommended rate of NPK for sweet basil (60-60-60 kg ha ), together with the varying levels of micronutrients such as Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn -1-1 (applied at 4, 8, and 12 kg ha ). The results of the study revealed that the application -1 of Zn at 4kg ha enhanced the plant height, root length, fresh and dry root weight of sweet basil. The higher number of primary branches and chlorophyll contents were -1 obtained from treatments applied with 12 kg ha Mn. The addition of Fe with 4 to 12 -1 kg ha increased the fresh weight of leaves and herbage yield. Cu biofortification at -1 4kg ha enhanced the herbage weight and yield of sweet basil. These results show the beneficial effects of micronutrient biofortification on the growth and yield parameters of sweet basil as well as its chlorophyll contents. Meanwhile, the amounts of Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn in the soil were likewise enhanced with the addition of these nutrients. In return, the availability of these micronutrients for plant uptake was also enhanced.

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