
Over the last decade, microneedle (MN) induced microporation multifunctional approaches to enhance the delivery of drugs through the skin. MN technology included micron-sized needles to create microchannels into the Stratum corneum of skin, the most significant protective layer. Delivery of drugs and vaccines through the transdermal route is an alternative route for hypodermic and oral. It overcomes the problems associated with gastrointestinal along with drug deterioration. It is affordable, noninvasive, painless, simple, and self-administered techniques that provide prolonged release of drugs to enhance patient compliance. The MN delivery focused on biopharmaceuticals like proteins or peptides. The novel concepts have drawn interest in using these techniques in tandem with other enhancement approaches. This review article discussed the latest advancements in MN technology. It emphasized types of MNs, methodology, mechanisms, strategies for delivery of several drugs and vaccines, and significant challenges in the marketing of biopharmaceuticals. Furthermore, relevant U.S. patents and clinical trials based on MNs are also accentuated. Therefore, MN techniques will play a pivotal role in promoting clinical applications and innovative research for scientists and researchers working in the pharmaceutical field.

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