
The structure of floral nectary surface of <i>Sorbus intermedia</i> in different phases of flower development was examined using scanning electron microscopy. Nectaries in <i>S. intermedia</i> flowers represent a receptacle type. The sculpture of cuticule on nectary epidermis and overlaying cells was described. The differences in the size of striaes on the outer cell wall of epidermis during the flower development were stated. Nectarostomata were situated in small hollows. In the buds, they were closed and not fully developed. During pollen release phase, the outer ledges of the guard cells were better developed than at the beginning of blooming. Depressions on nectary epidermis cell walls were observed in the final phase of blooming.


  • Depressions on nectary epidermis cell walls were observed in the final phase of blooming

  • Stomata occurring in the nectary epidermis in different phases of flower development: 12 14 phase I, 15 phase III, 16, 17 phase IV

  • Pod koniec okresu kwitnienia zaobserwowano równie¿ zapadanie siê i fa3dowanie œcian komórek epidermy nektarnika

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Summary The structure of floral nectary surface of Sorbus intermedia in different phases of flower development was examined using scanning electron microscopy. Celem pracy by3o okreœlenie cech morfologicznych powierzchni nektarnika oraz zmian wystêpuj1cych w budowie epidermy gruczo3u nektarnikowego Sorbus intermedia w czasie rozwoju kwiatu. W skaningowym mikroskopie elektronowym badano zmiany w strukturze powierzchni nektarników kwiatowych jarzêbu szwedzkiego (Sorbus intermedia Pers.), obserwowane w czasie rozwoju nektarnika. Mikromorfologia powierzchni nektarnika jarzêbu szwedzkiego (Sorbus intermedia Pers.) w ró¿nych fazach kwitnienia

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