
Internal instability means that finer particles pass through the constrictions of coarser particles at a hydraulic gradient well below that of heave or piping, rendering the soil ineffective for its intended purpose. The soil could make a transition from an internally stable state to an unstable state or vice versa due to shear-induced deformation. The discrete element method (DEM) is adopted in this study to examine and quantify soil behavior by simulating the quasi-static shear deformation of internally stable and unstable soils at the micro- and macroscales. The dense bimodal specimens were sheared under drained conditions following a constant mean stress path in order to investigate the influence of stress heterogeneity. At the macroscale, the peak deviatoric stress was found to be a function of the fines content and the initial void ratios of the specimens. The development of the average number of contacts per particle and the stress transfer to the finer fraction during shearing are discussed. The simulation results innovatively show that a dense specimen could undergo a transition from an internally stable to an unstable soil as it dilates during shear. These numerical results have significant implications on the importance of real-life situations, such as predicting mud pumping in railroad tracks.

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