
This research was carried out by Lecturers Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Cirebon and in partnership with the Cimanuk Cisanggarung River Area Center, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing the Republic of Indonesia and the Kertawirama Village Government, Kuningan Regency, West Java Province. The aim of this research is to create a microhydro model of a waterfall that will produce renewable electrical energy in branching irrigation channels and calculate the water discharge. The method used is carrying out surveys, making tools and microhydro analysis. The tool model making was carried out in the Indonesian Cihanjuang Microhydro laboratory with a TC 60 type microhydro model. The results of this research were to make a TC 60 microhydro model which was installed in a waterfall channel at the irrigation water branch. The results of the research produce: the amount of discharge in the waterfall channel is 1.50 m3/s, the amount of discharge entering the turbine is 0.012 m3/s, the difference in height of the falling water is 4 m, the amount of turbine input power is 572 watts and the output power turbine is 477 watts.

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