
The Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni is the Indonesian national marine ornamental fish mascot, and an object of national and international conservation concern. The endemic population of this species is limited to the Banggai Archipelago in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia and a few nearby islands in North Maluku. In addition, introduced populations have become established, mainly along ornamental fish trade routes. The National Action Plan for Banggai Cardinalfish Conservation (NAP-BCFC) calls for monitoring and management of all P. kauderni populations. A survey of the Luwuk introduced P. kauderni population was carried out in October 2021. Data were collected at three sites with established P. kauderni populations: the ferry harbour, public harbour (Teluk Lalong) and a recreational area on the nearby coast (Kilo 5). P. kauderni were recorded by microhabitat association and size class (recruits, juveniles, adults). Data collected were compared with data from previous surveys where available. With the exception of one group in a sea anemone at Kilo 5, all P. kauderni were associated with Diadema sea urchins (D. setosum at all sites; D. savignyi at Kilo 5). At Kilo 5 P. kauderni the population structure indicates the possible capture of market-sized juveniles. Overall abundance was also lower compared to the polluted but unfished harbours. The proportion of recruits was significantly negatively correlated with the ratio of adult P. kauderni to Diadema urchins. The results will inform regional legislation currently in preparation to support sustainable management of P. kauderni populations, habitat and microhabitat in Central Sulawesi, as well as contributing to NAP-BCFC targets.Keywords:Banggai cardinalfishEndangered speciesDiademaMicrohabitat,MonitoringOrnamental fisheryLocal regulation


  • The Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderniKoumans, 1933 is a small apogonid with an unusual life history lacking a pelagic dispersal phase (Ndobe et al, 2013a; Vagelli, 2011)

  • The synopsis of the belt transect data on P. kauderni microhabitat associations (Table 3) shows that almost all P. kauderni were associated with sea urchins of the genus Diadema

  • P. kauderni spawning can occur in every month (Prihatiningsih and Hartati, 2012; Vagelli, 2011), length-frequency-based population dynamics analysis indicates that P. kauderni recruitment success peaks in September-November (Ndobe et al, 2013a)

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The Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderniKoumans, 1933 is a small apogonid with an unusual life history lacking a pelagic dispersal phase (Ndobe et al, 2013a; Vagelli, 2011). The vast majority of the native (endemic) distribution of this species lies within the Banggai Archipelago Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This extremely limited native distribution covers approximately 5000 km with around 24-30 km of native habitat in the coastal ecosystems of around 34 islands in Banggai Laut and Banggai Kepulauan Districts (Fondation Franz Weber, 2017; Vagelli, 2011). While the ornamental fishery has led to or contributed to the depletion of endemic P. kauderni populations (EC-PREP 2005; Kolm and Berglund, 2003; Lunn and Moreau, 2004; Moore et al, 2011, 2021; Ndobe and Moore, 2008; USelrfdaiati et al (2021)

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