
With the increase in drug-resistant fungal pathogens and exploitation of ethnomedicinal plants as biofungicide, screening for new bioactive agents has gained importance. The present study was aimed at characterization of bacterial endophytes associated with ethnomedicinal plant, Centella asiatica and screening for their antifungal activity using well diffusion assay. The ability of the methanolic extracts of endophytic bacteria and host plant to inhibit and cause structural deformities in pathogenic fungal growth was evaluated using scanning electron microscope. The effect of endophytic methanolic extracts revealed considerable morphological alterations on the structures of pathogenic fungal hyphae and sclerotia. Endophytic Bacillus subtilis cenB showed prominent antifungal activity causing morphological distortion in the fungal morphology offering scope for exploration as alternative antifungal agent. The bioprospection of the endophytic bacteria prevalent in ethnomedicinal plants can open vistas for their utilisation as microbial cell factories for production of bioactive compounds as an alternative to chemically synthesised compounds.

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