
Early detection of micrognathia during prenatal care is crucial to mitigate the associated risks and prevent un­fore­seen emergencies requiring invasive procedures, like tracheo­stomy. It enables proper planning for delivery in spe­cia­lized tertiary care centers staffed with experienced teams in managing such cases. This proactive approach en­hances cli­ni­cian readiness, facilitates decision-making re­gar­ding ma­nage­ment strategies in advance, and fosters im­proved fa­mily education and support. The primary goals of this pa­per are to provide a comprehensive review of diverse diag­nos­tic techniques for micrognathia and to suggest a clear and pragmatic prenatal approach to ad­dres­sing this con­di­tion. Furthermore, we present relevant ultra­so­no­gra­phic pictures of fetal micrognathia from our personal data­base.

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