
ABSTRACT The late Oligocene-early Miocene Qom Formation in the Central Iran Basin contains oil and gas in the Alborz and Sarajeh fields. Organic geochemical analyses in previous studies indicated that the hydrocarbons migrated from deeper source rocks, likely of Jurassic age. In the Central Iran Basin, the Qom Formation is 1,200 m thick and is bounded by the Oligocene Lower Red Formation and the middle Miocene Upper Red Formation. In previous studies, the Qom Formation was divided into nine members designated from oldest to youngest: a, b, c to c4, d, e and f, of which “e” is 300 m thick and constitutes the main reservoir. Our study focused on a Qom section located in the Gooreh Berenji region of central Iran which is 294 m thick. The lower part of the formation was not deposited, and only the following four members of early Miocene age (Aquitanian and Burdigalian) were identified between the Lower and Upper Red formations: “c2”? (mainly greyish to greenish gypsiferous marls); “d” (thin- to thick-bedded anhydrite with intercalation of thin-bedded sandstone); “e” (argillaceous or sandy limestone); and “f” (fine-grained coral and bryozoan boundstone). In contrast to the Central Iran Basin, the “e” member in Gooreh Berenji is only 15 m thick and does not have a good reservoir potential. A detailed petrographic analysis of the Gooreh Berenji section resulted in the identification of 13 microfacies (MF) that were interpreted in terms of their depositional environments according to the following categories: MF1 (sabkha), MF2 (intertidal river channel), MF3 (lower intertidal), MF4 (peritidal), MF5 (supratidal), MF6 and MF7 (shallow restricted lagoon), MF8 and MF10 (proximal open-marine), MF9 (leeward lagoon), MF11 (shoal), MF12 (reef and patch reef formed within lagoon), and MF13 (open-marine). The Qom Formation constitutes a regional transgressive-regressive sequence that is bounded by two continental units (Lower and Upper Red formations). The transgression started from the south in the late Oligocene and by the early Miocene the sea covered all of central Iran. In the Gooreh Berenji area, carbonate deposition occurred on a shallow-marine ramp. The presence of a wide range of lagoonal facies indicates that reefal facies (“f”) developed in a narrow elongated strip away from the shoreline.

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