
The study carried out of Aliji Formation (Late Paleocene) for selected wells in three oil fields Kirkuk, Bai Hassan and Jambur The thickness of formations in the studied wells area (K-229) 172m, (BH-96) 57m,and (JM-55) 52m.
 Lithological, Aliji Formation composed of limestone, marly limestone and shally limeston brown light –dark colour.
 The recognized microfacies where division to three main microfacies, Planktonic foraminiferal Lime Mudstone microfacies, Planktonic Foraminiferal Lime Wackstone microfacies and Planktonic Foraminiferal Lime Packstone microfacies.
 The Formation deposited in deep bathyal environment at (FZ1, FZ2, FZ3) (Toe of slope, Deep shelf, Deep sea) as indicated on the constract sedimentary model.

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