
Gua Bama limestone hill in Lipis District, Pahang State is a well-known site for the hunt of Malaysian Permo-Triassic Boundary. This paper details the microfacies and diagenesis of limestone succession at Gua Bama outcrop as an early effort to constrain the desired Permo-Triassic Boundary. Six microfacies have been identified: mudstone, peloidal wackestone, bioclastic wackestone, radiolarian wackestone, intraclastic packstone, and peloidal packstone. The appearance of highly diverse benthic fauna in fragmented forms and the dominance of mudstone-wackestone microfacies prove that carbonates of Gua Bama were deposited in low-energy shallow marine environment. Gua Bama have been subjected to multiple diagenetic processes, namely cementation, compaction, neomorphism, and micritization. Based on diagenetic textures observed, it can be interpreted that Gua Bama limestone had undergone diagenesis within marine water phreatic zone and deep burial realms.

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