Research on micro emulsion formulation of combination of virgin coconut oil (VCO) and rice bran oil (RBO) as a hair growth promoter has been done. The purpose of this study was to formulate and produce the best formula that is physically stable and optimally promoting the hair growth by varying the content of VCO and RBO in the form of micro emulsions. These dosage formulations were prepared in three formulas using 45% tween 80 as surfactants and 20% glycerin as co surfactant i.e.: F,I containing a combination of VCO and RBO 1:1; FII (1:2) and FIII (2:1). Physical evaluation of the preparation was carried out for 8 weeks of storage which included organoleptic examination, pH, homogeneity, density, globule particle size, phase freeze thaw, and rabbit hair growth activity test for 18 days. Based on the results of the evaluation, it was found that the FI, FII and FIII micro emulsion formulations were physically stable for 8 weeks of storage with a pH ranging from 6.7 to 7.0, density of 1.085-1.088 g/mL, average globul particle size of FI (34.6 nm ), FII (54 nm) and FIII (68.8 nm). The best formulas is FIII for hair growth length of 1.26 cm for 18 days.
Research on micro emulsion formulation of combination of virgin coconut oil (VCO) and rice bran oil (RBO) as a hair growth promoter has been done
These dosage formulations were prepared in three formulas using
I containing a combination of VCO
Alat Timbangan digital, kaca arloji, pH meter, cawan penguap, gelas ukur, beaker gelas, erlenmeyer, lemari pendingin, magnetic stirrer, piknometer, pinset, sentrifus, Jangka sorong, Particle Size Analyzer (DelsaTM Nano C Particle Size Analyzer). Bahan Minyak kelapa murni (Virgin coconut oil/VCO), Minyak dedak padi (Rice bran oil/RBO), Tween 80, Gliserin, Aquadest Hewan yang digunakan adalah kelinci putih jantan sebanyak 3 ekor. Prosedur Penelitian Desain formula mikroemulsi dibuat menggunakan desain faktorial, dengan memvariasikan perbandingan kadar VCO dan RBO. Formula 1, 2 dan 3 (F1, F2, F3) mengandung kombinasi VCO dan RBO masing-masing 1:1, 1:2 dan 2:1 dengan komposisi bahan pembentuk mikroemulsi (surfaktan dan kosurfaktan) yang sama (Table 1). Prosedur kerja Aquadest, Tween 80 masing-masing dipanaskan sampai suhunya sekitar 50°C, kemudian dilarutkan tween 80 ke dalam aquadest tersebut sambil diaduk secara konstan menggunakan magnetic stirrer pada suhu 50°C, kemudian di tambahkan VCO dan RBO sedikit demi sedikit, sambil diaduk dengan magnetic stirrer kemudian dihomogenkan, lalu ditambahkan gliserin dan ditambahkan pengawet (nipagin dan nipasol) sambil diaduk dengan magnetic stirrer 1500 rpm selama 15 menit sampai terbentuk larutan mikroemulsi yang homogen, jernih dan transparan
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