
Concentrations of heavy metals Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, and Ni were determined in the thalluses of the green alga Ulva fenestrata sampled from different locations in Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan). According to the metal concentrations in Ulva, the degree of pollution of the surveyed areas in Peter the Great Bay decreases in the following series: Amur Bay > Ussuri Bay > Nakhodka Bay > Vostok Bay > the water area of Far Eastern State Marine Nature Biosphere Reserve. The microelement composition of Ulva from open-shore stations reflects the heavy metal pollution level of water areas as a whole. The concentrations of trace elements in U. fenestrata from closed coastal areas are indicative of marine coastal water pollution from local sources. Generally, metal concentrations in U. fenestrata from Peter the Great Bay are similar to heavy metal levels in non-polluted or weakly polluted coastal areas of the world.

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