
A simple, rapid, and accurate method for determination of total sulfur and inorganic sulfate in biological materials by barium chloranilate colorimetry is presented. Criteria required 3 Precision of S Determination, Whole Blood, Blood Plasma, TCA Extracts, and Urine Sample Determinations Mean (μg) SD (μg) Whole blood 10 1004 21 Blood plasma 10 543 4 TCA extracts 10 24 2 Urine (totals) 10 598 31 Urine (inorganic S) 10 374.4 19 for accurate determination of sulfur such as digestion conditions and pH control have been investigated. The method permits the carrying out of about 40 sulfur determinations daily. The method may also be applied to the micro determination of sulfur in organic compounds and other biological materials.

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