
Playing a decisive role in bone remodeling, microdamage was recently associated with orthodontic tooth movement in pigs. The present study was conducted to evaluate microdamage and its potential association with orthodontic tooth movement in the alveolar process of rat maxillae. The upper right molars of 24 male Wistar rats (10 weeks old) were splinted and loaded against the (likewise splinted) upper incisors with 25 cN using a Nitinol coil spring. Four groups of 6 animals were treated in this fashion for 1, 2, 4, or 7 days. The upper left quadrants served as controls. The maxillae were halved, gently prepared, and stained en bloc with basic fuchsin. After embedding in resin, 80-μm-thick parasagittal sections were ground parallel to the mesial root of the first molar. These were used to assess microdamage under transmitted and epifluorescent light, also counting and measuring the length of microcracks. Differences between the loaded and unloaded side and between mesial and distal were checked using a Wilcoxon test and were considered significant at ≤ 0.05. Microdamage (in the form of diffuse damage and microcracks) was observed in both the loaded and control jaw halves, as well as on the mesial and distal sides in all four groups. Microcracks averaged 30-100 μm in length and 0.3-1.7/mm(2) in density. While they were more prevalent in the loaded than the control jaw halves, this difference was not statistically significant. The alveolar process of rat maxillae is characterized by microdamage (in the form of microcracks and diffuse damage) regardless of whether and for how long orthodontic loading has taken place. Within the limitations of this experimental study, our results do not confirm previous findings of significantly higher prevalence on the pressure side on the first day after initiating orthodontic tooth movement.

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