
The very fine-grained (≃1 μm) polygonal microcrystalline texture occurring in the groundmass of pseudotachylite veins in the Harris meta-anorthosite and its variation with position are described and an origin by crystallization from a melt at very large undercooling suggested. The intrusive nature of the veins is shown by their geometry and internal structures. Clasts, which are almost always only plagioclase, are generally concentrated towards the centres of veins. Flow of tens of millimetres can account for this concentration in millimetre-thick veins as a result of the Bagnold effect. The veins are generally thin (5 μm to 5 mm or more), are frequently zoned and always contain transparent granules of high relief (probably Al-rich pyroxene) and opaque granules of magnetite up to a few micrometres in size. The granules are either uniformly distributed in microcrystalline textures or concentrated locally giving cellular textures. In some veins, spherulitic or bow-tie textures occur. The coarsest textures are found in the centres of the thickest veins. The groundmass of the pseudotachylite is never completely isotropic but consists of a mosaic of transparent plagioclase crystals decreasing in size from the centres of thick veins to less than 1 μm in thin veins or in the margins of thicker veins. This fine microcrystalline texture was studied by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy and consists of polyhedral crystals of regular size in the range 0.2–1.5 μm, which show little sign of deformation. The local composition of the pseudotachylites varies little from the average compositions of the rocks in optically homogeneous veins, the variation being within the compositional space defined by the minerals of the host rock. This shows that homogenization of the pseudotachylite has occurred. In cellular veinsdifferentiation has occurred as the compositions of the cell centres lie outside those of the minerals of the host rock. This was produced by segregation of the granules, pyroxene being absent from the host rock. The plagioclase in the pseudotachylite is more disordered than that in the host rock. All the microtextures described are absent from the associated cataclasites and cannot be due to recrystallization of a fine-grained and intensely strained rock powder. The physical state on and after intrusion was that of a melt and injection was followed by crystallization. The melt was produced by more or less total fusion of the host rock minerals at shallow depth by heat produced during local faulting and perhaps during crack propagation. The fine microcrystalline texture very closely resembles that produced during hypercooling of molten metals and alloys. It thus possibly formed not by devitrification but from a melt at much greater degrees of undercooling than the spherulitic and bow-tie textures.

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