
The aim of this prospective, randomized study was to demonstrate whether an oral preparation of TTFCA was effective in improving the microcirculation and edema (leg volume) in venous microangiopathy. Forty patients with venous hypertension were included. Treatment was prescribed for 6 weeks (tablets, 60 mg twice daily). Patients were randomized into a treatment and a placebo group. There were 20 patients in each group. In the treatment group the mean age was 42 (SD 7; M:F = 10:10); in the placebo group, the mean age was 40 (SD 9; M:F = 10:10). Tolerability and compliance were very good; there were no dropouts. At inclusion there were no differences between placebo and treatment group. After treatment there was a decrease in resting flux (29%) and an improvement (increase) in venoarteriolar response (52%); PO2 was increased (7.2%) and PCO2 decreased (9.6%). There was an important decrease in leg volume (66 mL decrease; 1.3% volume variation). The difference in flux, O2-CO2 and volume parameters were significant and clinically important at 6 weeks in the treatment group. In conclusion, TTFCA improves microcirculation and leg volume in venous hypertension. The effects of TTFCA are observed even in a limited sample of patients.

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