
The nature of the phase transition of antiferromagnetic vector spin models on the stacked triangular lattice (STA) has been an issue of debate. In order to account for the coplanar non-collinear order in the ground state one needs two vector fields in a Ginzburg–Landau–Wilson Hamiltonian. The field theoretical renormalization group analysis shows that there is a threshold value Nc for the number of spin component N, and for N > Nc the transition is of second order belonging to a new ‘‘chiral’’ universality class, while for N < Nc the chiral fixed points ceases to exist in the real parameter space and the transition is of first order. According to a recent estimate based on a Monte Carlo renormalization group study, 3 < Nc < 8. 2) Therefore a first order transition is expected for the physically relevant XY and Heisenberg spin systems. The phase transition of the XY or Heisenberg STA is of very weak first order and is said to be of ‘‘almost second order’’ with large (but finite) correlation lengths due to a slow velocity region in the renormalization group flow. Monte Carlo simulations on systems with moderate size appear to show second order transitions with pseudo-critical behavior. Strong first order transitions were found for variants of the model on which a constraint of local rigidity was imposed which still belong to the same universality class as the original STA. Recently the first order nature of the phase transition in XY antiferromagnet on the stacked triangular lattice (XY-STA model) was demonstrated directly by canonical Monte Carlo simulations on large systems, in which the energy probability distribution shows a double peak structure near the transition temperature. The purpose of the present paper is to show the first order transition of the XY-STA model by applying a novel technique: a microcanonical method. To distinguish a weak first order transition from a second order one can be difficult, especially if the energy jump, the characteristic of a first order transition, is tiny as is the case for frustrated spin systems. Limited to accessible system sizes one may analyze the different power law behavior of the maximum of specific heat or susceptibility, with an exponent equal to three for a first order transition and less than three for a second order transition. The obvious solution to increase the size of the system runs into difficulties for the canonical simulations (at constant temperature) because of the growing autocorrelation times. Also the histogram method is then restricted to smaller intervals of temperature shrinking as the inverse power of the system size. In this short note we will show that the microcanonical simulations (at constant energy) can help to solve the problems encountered in canonical simulations. The method has been tested for strong first order transitions and also for second order ones. Before presenting the method and the results we have to describe the model we study. It is given by the usual Hamiltonian

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