
The basic quantity for the description of the statistical properties of physical systems is the density of states or, equivalently, the microcanonical entropy. Macroscopic quantities of a system in equilibrium can be computed directly from the entropy. Response functions such as the susceptibility are related, for example, to the curvature of the entropy surface. Interestingly, physical quantities in the microcanonical ensemble show characteristic properties of phase transitions in finite systems. In this article we investigate these characteristics for finite Ising systems. The singularities in microcanonical quantities, which signal a continuous phase transition in infinite systems, are characterized by classical critical exponents. Estimates of the non-classical exponents which emerge only in the thermodynamic limit can nevertheless be obtained by analysing effective exponents or by applying a microcanonical finite-size scaling theory. This is explicitly demonstrated for two- and three-dimensional Ising systems.

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