
Saproxylic insects are an important component of forest biodiversity; however, their ecological requirements are mostly studied on beetles, while other groups are less considered. Aculeate Hymenoptera provide valuable ecosystem services, and some rely on deadwood cavities. We studied cavity-nesting aculeate Hymenoptera using wooden trap-nests set in a heterogeneous partially rewilded woodland area in Central Bohemia, Czech Republic, and tested their nesting preferences in association with canopy openness, amount of deadwood, and the diversity of surrounding vegetation types. We used 100 trap-nests in five microbiotopes—forest edge, shady closed-canopy forest, open patches in closed-canopy forest, open-grown trees in wooded pasture, and shady groves in wooded pasture, over 2 years. We reared 824 specimens belonging to 26 species of saproxylic hymenopterans. We found no effect of microbiotope on total species richness and richness of nest parasites, but richness of nest builders was highest in forest edge and lowest in open-grown trees in wooded pasture. Species composition of hymenopterans was driven by a wider habitat context: despite the proximity of the habitats, the forest, especially closed-canopy patches, hosted a different community, dominated by wasps, than open wooded pasture. Moreover, open patches in forest differed in composition from the closed-canopy patches, suggesting that in production forests, the diversity of saproxylic hymenopterans may be limited by the overall low share of open canopy stages. Deadwood (amount and diversity) did not affect the saproxylic bees and wasps in any way.Implications for insect conservationOur results support conservation measures leading to diversification of the forest canopy and vegetation structure in order to support rich communities of saproxylic Hymenoptera, especially in protected areas.

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