
Table drinking water, often called as ‘Pure water’ is generally accepted safe for consumption. The study was aimed at comparatively analyze for microbiological quality of non-registered table water sold in Sokoto Metropolis using microbial culture, microscopic and Biochemical identification. Eight (8) samples each were purchased from nonregistered factories within Sokoto Metropolis. Streak plate method was used for the isolation of bacteria on Nutrient agar (NA) medium and Sabouroud Dextrose Agar (SDA) medium for isolation of fungi. Incubation period at 370C for 24 hours, for bacteria and 250C for 72 hours for fungi was considered. All the samples yielded growth for bacteria while only 4 samples were positive to growth of fungi. The bacteria isolated from samples analyzed were species of Bacillus and Salmonella while fungal isolates recovered were Aspergillus and Penicillium species. The presence of these bacteria at high levels is a matter of serious concern as some of these organisms are causative agents of many disease of medical importance. It is therefore recommended that regulatory bodies should intensified efforts in the monitoring of non-registered factories of table water and discourage the proliferations and consumption of unhygienic table water in the study area.

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