
Objective: to determine the species composition of pathogens of acute odontogenic inflammatory processes of the jaws in children, to determine the sensitivity and resistance of the isolated microflora to antibiotics of various groups, as well as to determine the dependence of the characteristics of the clinical course of the disease on the type of dominant pathogen. Material and methods. The analysis of the results of microbiological methods for the study of exudate from purulent odontogenic foci of 900 children, due to periostitis and osteomyelitis of the jaws, was carried out. Results. In 65.6% of cases, the causative agent was Pyogenic streptococcus or group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (BHSA) ith a high level of sensitivity to vancomycin (99%), fluoroquinolones (98%), beta-lactams (91 %) and the highest percentage of resistance to macrolides (41%). Streptococcus viridans (6.1%), Streptococcus pneumoniae (4.3%) and others were also isolated; mixed microflora (14.3%). The syndrome of endogenous intoxication of the body was manifested in 56% of cases by fever, in 38% by leukocytosis, in 57.4% by accelerated ESR. There was no statistically significant difference in the degree of endogenous intoxication in groups with different types of streptococcus. Conclusions. The cause of the inflammatory process of the jaws in 65.6% of cases was BHSA with a high level of sensitivity to vancomycin (99%), fluoroquinolones (98%), beta-lactams (91 %).

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