
Nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI), due to its small size and high reactivity, is regarded as a promising alternative especially for in situ environmental remediation. There has already been a number of successful in situ contaminant removal/remediation using NZVI. In this context, interactions between NZVI and environmental microorganisms at the contaminated site are inevitable. The high reactivity of NZVI could potentially cause an adverse effect to microorganisms that are involved in environmental restoration. The interactions between NZVI and microorganism may in turn affect NZVI reactivity. Accordingly, it is important to understand the microbial aspects of NZVI applications. This chapter provides an overview of the consequent effect of the interactions between NZVI and microorganisms including the effect of NZVI on microorganisms as well as the effect of microorganisms on NZVI behavior. It specifically focuses on the reported effects of NZVI on microbial survival and activity, as well as several factors causing the complication of toxicity assessment. The prospects of NZVI-enhanced bioremediation is also discussed. Finally, this chapter presents future research needs in furtherance of successful NZVI applications.

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