
Introduction. Chronic and latent infections are often activated during pregnancy.Aim - to asses the pathogenetic role of microbial pathogens in urogenital tract infection (UTI) in pregnant women.Materials and methods. 89 pregnant women underwent general clinical examination, examination of smears from urethra, vagina, cervical canal; bacteriological analysis of vaginal contents; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, polymerase chain reaction and determination of specific antibodies for verification of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type I and II, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr (EBV) and UTI pathogens in pregnant women in blood and mucosal scrapes.Results. Prevalence of Herpesviridae was revealed (90-100% -EBV, HSV type I and II, CMV); in 41% of cases - bacterial pathogens, in 57% of cases - Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma.Discussion. In preterm birth and pregnancy termination mycoplasma and ureaplasma were more often revealed, and in pregnancy termination - association of HSV type I and II in comparison with urgent birth; in the last equally often - HSV type I and association of HSV type I and II; in urgent birth (infection) more often - HSV type I, than association of HSV type I and II; in preterm birth more often - HSV type I, than the association of HSV types I and II, and less often than combination of HSV type I and association of HSV types I and II in pregnancy termination; in the last, the association of HSV types I and II is more common than HSV type I. Increase of TLRs genes expression levels depends on HSV type I less than from association of HSV types I and II, less than from combination of HSV type I and association of HSV types I and II (it determines the clinical manifestations of genital herpes).Conclusion. Microbial pathogens determine the character of pregnancy course, and HSV types I and II- are the triggers of the infectious process, prognosing its course.


  • Chronic and latent infections are often activated during pregnancy

  • Aim - to asses the pathogenetic role of microbial pathogens in urogenital tract infection (UTI) in pregnant women

  • Materials and methods. 89 pregnant women underwent general clinical examination, examination of smears from urethra, vagina, cervical canal; bacteriological analysis of vaginal contents; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, polymerase chain reaction and determination of specific antibodies for verification of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type I and II, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr (EBV) and UTI pathogens in pregnant women in blood and mucosal scrapes

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При беременности часто активизируются хронические и латентные инфекции. Цель – установление патогенетической роли микробных патогенов при урогенитальной инфекции (УГИ) беременных. Проводили общеклиническое обследование 89 беременных с исследованием мазков, бактериологическим посевом вагинального содержимого; иммуноферментный анализ, полимеразную цепную реакцию и определение антител для верификации вируса простого герпеса (ВПГ) I и II типа, цитомегаловируса (ЦМВ), вируса Эпштейна–Барр (ВЭБ) и возбудителей УГИ беременных в крови и соскобах слизистых. Превалировали Herpesviridae (в 90–100% случаев – ВЭБ, ВПГ I и II типа, ЦМВ), в 41% случаев выявлены возбудители бактериальной природы, в 57% случаев – микоплазмы, уреаплазмы. Микробные патогены определяют характер развития беременности, а ВПГ I и II типа – триггеры инфекционного процесса, прогнозирующие его развитие. Ключевые слова: микробные патогены; характер развития беременности; клинические проявления; триггеры; инфекционный процесс.

Materials and methods
Материалы и методы
IgM и IgG
ВПГ не верифицирован
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