
Experiments were conducted with natural plankton assemblages from two areas in Great South Bay (GSB) and the Peconic Bays Estuary System, NY, to compare the rates of growth and pelagic grazing mortality of Aureococcus anophagefferens with co-occurring phytoplankton. We hypothesized that A. anophagefferens would experience low mortality rates by microbial herbivores (relative to feeding pressure on other algae) thus providing it with a competitive advantage within the phytoplankton community. In fact, substantial rates of mortality were observed in nearly every experiment in our study. However, mortality rates of A. anophagefferens were less than intrinsic growth rates of the alga during late spring and early summer in Great South Bay, resulting in positive net growth rates for the alga during that period. This timing coincided with the development of a brown tide in this estuary. Similarly, growth rates of the alga also exceeded mortality rates during bloom development in natural plankton assemblages from the Peconic Bays Estuary System held in mesocosms. In contrast to the situation for A. anophagefferens, growth rates of the total phytoplankton assemblage, and another common picoplanktonic phytoplankter ( Synechococcus spp.), were frequently less than their respective mortality rates. Mortality rates of A. anophagefferens in both systems were similar to growth rates of the alga during later stages of the bloom. Laboratory studies confirmed that species of phagotrophic protists that consume A. anophagefferens (at least in culture) are present during brown tides but preference for or against the alga appears to be species-specific among phagotrophic protists. We conclude that two scenarios may explain our results: (1) protistan species capable of consuming the brown tide alga were present at low abundances during bloom initiation and thus not able to respond rapidly to increases in the intrinsic growth rate of the alga, or (2) the brown tide alga produced substance(s) that inhibited or retarded protistan grazing activities during the period of bloom initiation. The latter scenario seems less likely given that significant mortality of A. anophagefferens was measured during our field study and mesocosm experiment. However, even a minor reduction in mortality rate due to feeding selectivity among herbivores might result in a mismatch between growth and grazing of A. anophagefferens that could give rise to significant net population growth of this HAB species. Either scenario infers an important role for trophic interactions within the plankton as a factor explaining the development of brown tides in natural ecosystems.

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