
Introduction. Address by the Director of the Department of Energy Bartlesville Project Officer (T.C. Wesson). Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery - The Time is Now (Keynote Speech) (D.O. Hitzman). MEOR in the Field: Why so Little? (V. Moses). A Brief Introduction to the Progress of MEOR in China (T.L. Qin and G.H. Yang). Research. Microbial Physiology and Enhanced Oil Recovery. (A.J. Sheehy). Analysis of Biomass in Rock Cores Following Nutrient Stimulation (D. Gevertz, R.M. Solis and W.A. Wood). Bacteria-Mineral Surface Interactions in a Laboratory Model Reservoir Environment (F.K. Hiebert et al.). Investigations of Microbial Mechanisms for Oil Mobilization in Porous Media (K.L. Chase et al.). Mechanisms of Oil Displacement by Microorganisms (S.A. Kianipey and E.C. Donaldson). Isolation and Characterization of Anaerobic Halophilic Bacteria from Oil Reservoir Brines (D. Gevertz et al.). Isolation and Characterization of Novel Halophilic Anaerobic Bacteria from Oil Field Brines (V.K. Bhupathiraju et al.). Anaerobic Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons (D. Grbic-Galic). Strict Anaerobic Bacteria and Their Possible Contribution to the Enhancement of Oil Recovery (S.S. Belyaev, I.A. Charakchian and V.G. Kuznetsova). A Method to Determine the Number of Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (A. Lichaa and C. Oppenheimer). Effects of Sodium Chloride on Growth and Metabolism of Two Strains of Clostridium (M.M. Grula et al.). Effects of High Pressure and High-Pressure on Microorganisms (R.E. Marquis). Production of Biosurfactant by Bacillus Licheniformis Strain JF-2 (S.C. Lin et al.). Enhanced Oil Recovery at Simulated Reservoir Conditions (E.C. Donaldson and T. Obeida). High-Temperature, Salt-Tolerant Enzymic Breaker of Xanthan Gum Viscosity. (M.E. Slodki and M.C. Cadmus). Microbial Ecology of Corrosion and Reservoir Souring (D.W.S. Westlake). Degradation of Glucose and Production of H2S by a Consortium of Thermophilic Bacteria under Simulated Reservoir Conditions (J.T. Rosnes et al.). Prospects for Thermophilic Microorganisms in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) (E.T. Premuzic and M.S. Lin). Fate of Surfactant Vescicles Surviving from Thermophilic, Halotolerant, Spore Forming, Clostridium Thermohydrosulfuricum (T.F. Yen et al). Transient Transport of Bacterial Suspensions in Natural Porous Media: Modeling of the Adsorption Phenomenon (P. Cheneviere et al.). Compositional Numerical Simulation of MEOR Processes (A.K. Sarkar, M.M. Sharma and G. Georgiou). Field Applications. Characteristics of the Bacterial Inoculum used in some recent MEOR Field Trials in Romania (I. Lazar et al.). Preliminary Results of Some Recent MEOR Field Trials in Romania (I. Lazar et al.). Microbial Enhancement of Oil Recovery from Carbonate Reservoirs with Complex Formation Characteristics (M. Wagner). Microbial Enhanced Waterflooding: A Pilot Study (R.S. Bryant and T.E. Burchfield).

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