
This study discusses the relevance of etiopathogenetic theories of the occurrence and clinical forms of microbial eczema – a chronic recurrent allergic skin disease formed under the influence of exogenous and endogenous causal factors, characterized by the appearance of polymorphic rash, inflammatory reaction, disorders of various systems and organs that contribute to the occurrence or exacerbation of the disease. Various exogenous factors – infectious agents – resident and transit symbionts – bacteria and fungi, viruses, allergizing food products, medicines. Various immunological disorders are described, a modern classification of eczema with the isolation of clinical forms is indicated, a description of the clinical stage-by-stage course of eczema, differences in rashes in acute and chronic eczema and their clinical forms of evolutionary development in various clinical forms of microbial eczema, and the basic principles of topical and general treatment are discussed. The publication considers variant clinical cases of treatment of patients suffering from chronic microbial eczema, somatically healthy or with a comorbid history requiring systemic administration of drugs according to the profile of the disease. Patients used traditional therapy regimens with the inclusion of combined external agents containing a corticosteroid, an antibiotic and an antimycotic, strictly in accordance with clinical recommendations. Upon completion of treatment, patients noted a significant improvement in the form of almost complete relief of erythema, reduction of itching of the skin, elimination of wetness, disappearance of efflorescence characteristic of eczema and secondary manifestations of infiltration, peeling and lichenization of the affected skin.

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