
To evaluate microbial corrosion by weight loss, microbial corrosion and elemental analysis of NiTi and stainless wires after period of 2 months in streptococcus mutans containing media. Percentage change in weight after 2 months is 1.7% and 0.8% in NiTi & SS respectively. Elemental analysis of NiTi wire in streptococcus containing media showed decrease in Ni by 2.9% by weight and Ti decreased 3.07% by weight due to leaching of Ni and Ti from the surface of wires. In stainless steel wire, there was decrease in Fe by 8.82% and Cr 1.39% by weight. Significant microbial corrosion was observed in NiTi wires as compared with SS wires may be attributed to the surface roughness of NiTi wires. However, the role of biofilm is dual and remained controversial due to being protective and corrosive.

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