
Non-tilled and tilled plots on a spodosol (Corg 0.65–1.70%; pH 4.1–4.5) and a mollisol (Corg 3.02–3.13%, pH 4.9–5.3), located in the European region of Russia, were investigated to determine variances in soil microbial biomass and microbial community composition. Continuous, long-term management practices, including tillage and treatment with inorganic fertilizers or manure, were used on the spodosol (39 years) and mollisol (22 years). Total microbial biomass (Cmic), estimated by the substrate-induced respiration (SIR) method, and total fungal hyphae length (membrane filter technique) were determined seasonally over a 3-year period. Long-term soil management practices (primarily tillage and fertilizer application) led to decreases in total microbial biomass (80–85% lower in spodosol and 20–55% lower in mollisol), decreases in the contribution of Cmic to Corg (2.3- to 3.5-fold lower in spodosol and 1.2- to 2.3-fold lower in mollisol), and 50–87% decreases in total fungal hyphae length compared to non-tilled control plots. The contribution of fungi to total SIR in virgin mollisol and fallow spodosol plots was approximately 30%. However, the contribution of fungi to SIR was approximately two times greater in tilled spodosol plots compared to a fallow plot. In contrast, the contribution of fungi to SIR in tilled plots of mollisol was less (1.4–4.7 times) than for a virgin plot. In summary, long-term soil management practices such as tillage and treatment with organic or inorganic fertilizers are important determinants of soil microbial biomass and the contribution of fungi to total SIR.

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