
Dairy products is considered the most complete foodstuff that provide human with most of their vital needs. The aim of this study to evaluate some chemical parameters and bacteriological quality of traditional white soft cheese. Our finding indicates that, the pH ranged between 5.72 to 7.25 with an average of 6.53, moisture percentage ranged between 37.76 % to 54.95 % with an average of 45.03%, fat percentage between 1.2 % to 4.3 % with an average of 2.36 %, protein percentage ranged between 16.3 % to 23.16 % with an average of 19.55 %. Ash percentage ranged between 1.7% to 2.8% with an average of 2.20. Total solid percentage ranged between 25 % to 37.7 %with an average of 31.26 %. Acidity ranged between 1.3 % to 2.5 % with an average of 1.70 %. Salt percentage ranged between 1.4 to 4.3 with an average of 2.89 %. The standard plate count of soft cheese was detected to be the interval of 1.2 x 104 - 4.7 x106 cfu/g. In the all cheese samples the coliform bacteria count was detected to be between 4.0 x103 to 8.6 x105 cfu/g. The yeast and mold count was found to be 9.6 x10 to 3.2 x105 cfu/g. The results found 20 % of Staphylococcus aureus contaminations, 13.33 % of Salmonella spp. contaminations. Cheese produced in Erbil are not agree with the Iraqi Standard.

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