
This study is to discover hormone pathways active in early cleaving human embryos. A list of 152 hormones and receptors were compiled to query the microarray database of mRNAs in 8-cell human embryos, two lines of human embryonic stem cells plus human fibroblasts before and after induced pluripotency. Over half of the 152 hormones and receptors were silent on the arrays of all cell types, and more were detected at high or moderate levels on the 8-cell arrays than on the pluripotent cell or fibroblast arrays. Eight hormone family genes were uniquely detected at least 22-fold higher on the 8-cell arrays than the stem cell arrays: AVPI1, CCK, CORT, FSTL4, GIP, GPHA2, OXT, and PPY suggesting novel roles for these proteins in early development. Oxytocin was detected by pilot immunoassay in culture media collected from Day 3 embryos. Robust detection of CRHR1 and EPOR suggests the 8-cell embryo may be responsive to maternal CRH and EPO. The over-expression of POMC and GHITM suggests POMP peptide products may have undiscovered roles in early development and GHITM may contribute to mitochondrial remodeling. Under-detected on the 8-cell arrays at least tenfold were two key enzymes in steroid biosynthesis, DHCR24 and FDPS. The 8-cell human embryo may be secreting oxytocin, which could stimulate its own progress down the fallopian tube as well as play a role in early neural precursor development. The 8-cell embryo does not synthesize reproductive steroid hormones. As previously reported for growth factor families, the early embryo over-expresses more hormones than hormone receptors.

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