
SUMMARY: The tissue pieces of palatine tonsil were collected from different postnatal age groups of sheep from the Corporation Slaughter House, Perambur, Chennai. The palatine tonsil consisted of a surface epithelium, capsule, tonsillar lobes, crypts, crypt epithelium and tonsillar follicles. The surface epithelium over the palatine tonsil was made up of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in all the postnatal age groups studied. The palatine tonsil was clearly demarcated from the surrounding structures by a distinct connective tissue capsule and one septa dividing the tonsil into two lobes. The surface epithelium was invaginated into the substance of the tonsil to form primary and secondary crypts in each lobe. The crypt epithelium covered the regions of lymphoid follicles became lymphoepithelium. The macrophages were also observed in the epithelium. In the areas of lymphoepithelium the basement membrane was interrupted since lymphocytic infiltration was heavy into the epithelium. Numerous secondary tonsillar follicles with germinal centers separated by interfollicular areas were observed in the palatine tonsil. The tonsillar follicles consisted of a mantle zone, which was heavily populated with small darkly stained lymphocytes. These mantle zones were always oriented towards the crypts. The tonsillar follicles of young sheep showed many medium and small sized lymphocytes, lymphoblasts and also reticulocytes. The reticular cells usually appeared larger than lymphocytes and had a more abundant and organized cytoplasm with vacuoles. ˚

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