
Four micro-watershed land use systems were studied in the northeastern hill region of India. Agro-pastoral and agri-horti-silvipasture attained a cropping intensity of 175%; in addition, 4.98 tons of fruit and 8.2 tons of fuel wood were obtained in the latter system. In dairy faming, annual milk yield obtained from two livestock units was 5564 litres. In self-regenerating forest, 409 trees/ha accumulated a standing woody biomass of 137 t/ha. Annual net returns per hectare (Indian Rupees) were 64,835, 57,130, and 36,573 in the agro-pastoral, agri-horti-silvipasture, and dairy farming, respectively, and Rs. 66,042/ha in 14 years in the self-regenerated forest. Farming system performance indicated higher biomass productivity and net return, more species diversity and bioresource flow in the three land use systems. Soil fertility, hydrology and farmer perception were also compared in these land use systems.

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