
The Biochemical Society (London, UK) held a “Focused meeting” on “Micro-Vesiculation and Disease” on 13–14 September 2012 within the London Metropolitan University, London, UK. Focused meetings are dedicated to emerging life science topics. This meeting was organised by Jameel Inal, Una Fairbrother, Sheelagh Heugh and Annie Bligh and supported by Niamh Mangan and Caron Barter. The organisers aimed to bridge the findings on extracellular vesicles at the cellular level with organismal research on therapy and pathophysiology. The meeting was centred around a selected set of longer talks touching upon different subjects and specifically allowed longer times for discussion. Finally, speakers were asked to write short review articles based on their talks, to be published in a special issue of Biochemical Society Transactions . Note that this short report summarises the author's understanding of the different presentations. The author apologises in advance to the presenters for any unwilling inaccuracy. (Published: 30 October 2012) Citation: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 2012, 1 : 19768 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/jev.v1i0.19768

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