
To cut soft materials such as biological tissues with minimal damage and reduced positional error is highly desired in medical surgery and biomechanics. After years of natural selection and evolution, mosquitoes have acquired the ability to insert their proboscises into human skin with astonishingly tiny forces. This can be associated with the unique structure of their proboscises, with micro/nano sawteeth, and the distinctive insertion manner: high frequency reciprocating saw cutting. Inspired by these, this communication describes the successful implantation of metal oxide particles onto molybdenum wire surfaces through a sol-calcination process, to form a biomimetic sawblade with a high density of micro/nano saw teeth, where the acidification is essential in terms of generating active anchoring sites on the wire. When used as a sawblade in conjunction with reciprocating action to cut the viscoelastic gel, both the cut-in force and cut-in displacement could be decreased substantially. The cutting speed and frequency of reciprocating action are important operating parameters influencing cut-in force.

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